Lava has launched its affordable 5G phone in India. The design of this smartphone is also very smart. A 50MP camera is available for its better photo quality, as well as a 5,000 mAh battery and MediaTek Dimensity 700 chipset are provided in this 5G phone. This 5G smartphone will compete with the already existing 5G smartphones of Samsung, Oppo and Xiaomi.
Lava Blaze 5G specs
-6.51-inch HD+ display
-90Hz refresh rate
-MediaTek Dimensity 700 processor
-Android 12
-50MP camera
-5000mAh Battery
Its resolution will be 720×1,600 pixels. The refresh rate of the display will be 90Hz. Apart from this, this phone will be equipped with MediaTek Dimensity 700 processor, with which 4GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage will be given. This phone will work on Android 12.
For photography, the company is offering triple rear camera setup with LED flash in this smartphone. In which you are being given a 50MP main camera. At the same time, this smartphone is offering you an 8MP front camera for selfie and video chat. For power, the company is offering you a 5000mAh battery with fast charging support in this smartphone.
Android OS and Camera
This phone works on Android 12 operating system (OS). At the same time, 50 MP triple rear camera setup has been used in this smartphone. Through this you can record video in up to 2k format.
Price and Availability
This 5G smartphone of Lava is available on the e-commerce website Amazon India with a price of Rs 9,999, but when will this mobile be sold. It has not been announced yet. In the top variant of this smartphone, you are getting 128GB storage with 4GB RAM. The Lava Blaze 5G smartphone has been made available by the company at a price of Rs 9,999 under a special launch offer. This smartphone has been introduced with two color options. In this you are getting to see blue and green color options.